Current Build HL7 Version 2 Table 0119

This is a table defined as part of HL7 v2 . Related FHIR content: v2 Order Control Codes.


Name:v2 Order Control Codes
Definition:FHIR Value set/code system definition for HL7 v2 table 0119 ( Order Control Codes)
Code System URL:
Value Set URL:
CodeSystem ResourceXML / JSON
ValueSet ResourceXML / JSON

This value set is used in the following places:

Order Control Codes

CodeDescriptionDeutsch (German)Nederlands (Dutch)CommentVersion
AF Order/service refill request approvalAanvraag/service herhaling verzoek goedgekeurdPlacer Applications.<p>AF is a response to RF where the placer authorizing a refill or quantity of refills.added v2.3
CA Cancel order/service requestAuftrag stornierenAnnuleer aanvraag/service verzoekPlacer or Filler Applications.<p>A cancellation is a request by the placer for the filler, or the filler to the placer, not to do a previously ordered service. Confirmation of the cancellation request is provided by the filler or placer, e.g. a message wfrom v2.1
CH Child order/servicenachgeordneter AuftragOnderliggende/deel aanvraag/servicePlacer or Filler Applications.<p>Used in conjunction with the PA - Parent order control code. Refer to PA order control code for discussion.from v2.1
CN Combined resultKumulatives Ergebnis (zu mehreren Aufträgen)Gecombineerd resultaatFiller Applications.<p>The combined result code provides a mechanism to transmit results that are associated with two or more orders. This situation occurs commonly in radiology reports when the radiologist dictates a single report for two or more exams rfrom v2.1
CP Cancel process stepAnnuleer processtapFiller Applications.<p>The control code CP - Cancel process step should be used in the ORC-1 for communication Filler-to-Filler, e.g. LIS-to-Analyzer, to differentiate from code CA (Placer-to-Filler).<p>The Filler should response with an acceptance of thadded v2.8
CR Canceled as requestedAuftrag anweisungsgemäß storniertGeannuleerd zoals gevraagdFiller or Placer Applications.<p>A response by the filler or placer application that a request to cancel (CA by the placer application) was performed successfully.added v2.2
DC Discontinue order/service requestAuftragsausführung abbrechenBreek aanvraag/service verzoek afPlacer or Filler Applications.<p>A request by the placer for the filler, or the filler to the placer, to discontinue a previously requested service. The differentiation between discontinue and cancel is that discontinue effects the order/service and all from v2.1
DE Data errorsDatenfehlerGegevens foutenPlacer or Filler Applications.from v2.1
DF Order/service refill request deniedAanvraag/service herhaal verzoek afgekeurdPlacer Applications.<p>In response to a Filler application requesting refill authorization (RF), DF indicates that the placer does not authorize refills for the order. ORC-16 Order Control Code reason may be used to indicate the reason for the request denadded v2.3
DR Discontinued as requestedAuftragsausführung anweisungsgemäß abgebrochenAfgebroken zoals gevraagdFiller or Placer Applications.<p>The filler or placer, in response to a request to discontinue (DC from the placer or filler application), has discontinued the order/service.from v2.1
FU Order/service refilled, unsolicitedAanvraag/service herhaald, ongevraagdFiller Applications.<p>FU notifies the placer that the filler issued a refill for the order at the patient's request.added v2.3
HD Hold order requestAuftragsbearbeitung aussetzenHoud aanvraag aan verzoekPlacer Applications.<p>Typical responses include, but are not limited to, CR - Cancelled as requested, UC - Unable to Cancel.from v2.1
HR On hold as requestedAuftragsbearbeitung anweisungsgemäß ausgesetztAangehouden zoals gevraagdFiller Applications.from v2.1
LI Link order/service to patient care problem or goalKoppel aanvraag/service aan patiënt zorgprobleem of doelPlacer or Filler Applications.<p>Refer to Chapter 12 Patient Care for complete discussion.added v2.3.1
MC Miscellaneous Charge - not associated with an orderOverige charge - niet gekoppeld aan een aanvraagapplies to DFT^P03^DFT_P03 and DFT^P11^DFT_P11added v2.6
NA Number assignedNummer zugewiesenNummer toegekendPlacer Applications.<p>There are three circumstances that involve requesting an order number (ORC-2-placer order number or ORC-3-filler order number):<p>(1) When the filler application needs to request an ORC-3-filler order number from a centralized applifrom v2.1
NW New order/serviceNeuer AuftragNieuwe aanvraag/servicePlacer Applications.<p>See comments for NA - Number Assigned.from v2.1
OC Order/service canceledAuftrag storniertAanvraag/service geannuleerdFiller Applications.added v2.2
OD Order/service discontinuedAuftragsausführung abgebrochenAanvraag/service afgebrokenFiller Applications.from v2.1
OE Order/service releasedAanvraag/service vrijgegevenFiller Applications.added v2.3
OF Order/service refilled as requestedAanvraag/service herhaald zoals gevraagdFiller Applications.<p>OF directly responds to the placer system's request for a refill.added v2.3
OH Order/service heldAuftragsbearbeitung ausgesetztAanvraag/service aangehoudenFiller Applications.added v2.2
OK Order/service accepted & OKAuftrag akzeptiertAanvraag/service geaccepteerd en OKFiller Applications.<p>See comments for NA - Number Assigned.from v2.1
OP Notification of order for outside dispenseNotificatie van aanvraag voor verstrekking door derdePlacer Applications.<p>These order control codes are used to communicate an order between systems where the order is intended for informational purposes. For example, an order that will be performed by a vendor outside the enterprise of communicating systadded v2.5
OR Released as requestedAuftragsbearbeitung anweisungsgemäß wiederaufgenommenVrijgegeven zoals gevraagdFiller Applications.from v2.1
PA Parent order/serviceHauptauftragBovenliggende aanvraag/serviceFiller Applications.<p>The parent (PA) and child (CH) order control codes allow the spawning of "child" orders from a "parent" order without changing the parent (original order). One or more ORC segments with an ORC-1-order control value of PA are followefrom v2.1
PR Previous Results with new order/serviceVorige resultaten met nieuwe aanvraag/servicePlacer Applications.<p>PR indicates that this ORC is part of an ORU structure containing previous observation, which is embedded in the order.<p>At least two main use cases require that the complete results of the previous observations be transmitted withadded v2.4
PY Notification of replacement order for outside dispenseNotificatie van vervangende aanvraag voor verstrekking door derdePlacer Applications.<p>See comments for OP - Notification of order for outside dispense.added v2.5
RE Observations/Performed Service to followUntersuchungsergebnisse folgen (in späteren Segmenten dieser Nachricht)Observaties/uitgevoerde server volgenPlacer or Filler Applications.<p>The observations-to-follow code is used to transmit patient-specific information with an order. An order detail segment (e.g. OBR) can be followed by one or more observation segments (OBX). Any observation that can be trafrom v2.1
RF Refill order/service requestHerhaal aanvraag/service verzoekPlacer or Filler Applications.<p>RF accommodates requests by either the filler or the placer. The filler may be requesting refill authorization from the placer. A placer system may be requesting a refill to be done by the filler system.<p>Typical responseadded v2.3
RL Release previous holdAuftragsberabeitung wiederaufnehmenGeef vorige vastgehouden vrijPlacer Applications.added v2.2
RO Replacement orderErsatzauftragVervangende aanvraagPlacer or Filler Applications.<p>A replacement is the substitution of one or more orders for one or more previously ordered services.<p>The replaced orders are treated as though they were canceled. If and when an ordered service can be replaced are local from v2.1
RP Order/service replace requestAuftrag ersetzenAanvraag/service vervanging verzoekPlacer Applications.<p>A replacement is the substitution of one or more orders for one or more previously ordered services. See comment 1 on RO - Replacement Order for further discussion.<p>The order replace request code permits the order filler to replacfrom v2.1
RQ Replaced as requestedAuftrag anweisungsgemäß ersetztVervangen zoals gevraagdFiller Applications.<p>A replacement is the substitution of one or more orders for one or more previously ordered services. See comment 1 on RO - Replacement Order for further discussion.<p>The order replace request code permits the order filler to replacadded v2.2
RR Request receivedAnforderung erhalten (veraltet)Verzoek ontvangenPlacer or Filler Applications.<p>Left in for backward compatibility. In the current version it is equivalent to an accept acknowledgment. The request-received code indicates that an order message has been received and will be processed later. The order hafrom v2.1
RU Replaced unsolicitedAuftrag ersetzt (ohne Anweisung)Vervangen ongevraagdFiller Applications.<p>A replacement is the substitution of one or more orders for one or more previously ordered services. See comment 1 on RO - Replacement Order for further discussion.<p>The unsolicited replacement code permits the filler application tfrom v2.1
SC Status changedStatusänderungStatus gewijzigdPlacer or Filler Applications.added v2.2
SN Send order/service numberAuftrags- bzw. Bearbeitungsnummer zuweisen / übermittelnStuur aanvraag/service nummerPlacer Applications.<p>See comments for NA - Number Assigned.from v2.1
SR Response to send order/service status requestAuftragsstatus (Antwort)Antwoord op stuur aanvraag/service status verzoekFiller Applications.added v2.2
SS Send order/service status requestAuftragsstatus sendenStuur aanvraag/service status verzoekPlacer Applications.from v2.1
UA Unable to accept order/serviceKon aanvraag/service niet accepterenFiller Applications.<p>An unable-to-accept code is used when a new order cannot be accepted by the filler. Possible reasons include requesting a prescription for a drug which the patient is allergic to or for an order which requires certain equipment resoadded v2.3
UC Unable to cancelAuftragsstornierung nicht möglichKon niet annulerenFiller or Placer Applications.<p>An unable-to-cancel code is used when the ordered service is at a point that it cannot be canceled by the placer or filler or when local rules prevent cancellation by the filler. The use of this code is dependent on the vaadded v2.2
UD Unable to discontinueAbbrechen nicht möglichKon niet afbrekenFiller or Placer Applications.<p>An unable-to-discontinue code is used when the ordered service is at a point that it cannot be discontinued by the placer or filler or when local rules prevent discontinuance by the filler. The use of this code is dependenfrom v2.1
UF Unable to refillKon niet herhalenFiller Applications.<p>Negative response to RF Refill order/service request, indicating that the receiving application was not able to complete the refill request.added v2.3
UH Unable to put on holdAussetzen nicht möglichKon niet aanhoudenFiller Applications.from v2.1
UM Unable to replaceErsetzen nicht möglichKon niet vervangenFiller Applications.added v2.2
UN Unlink order/service from patient care problem or goalOntkoppel aanvraag/service van patiënt zorgprobleem of doelPlacer or Filler Applications.<p>Refer to Chapter 12 Patient Care for complete discussion.added v2.3.1
UR Unable to releaseWiederaufnahme nicht möglichKon niet vrijgevenFiller Applications.from v2.1
UX Unable to changeÄnderung nicht möglichKon niet wijzigenFiller Applications.from v2.1
XO Change order/service requestAuftrag ändernWijzig aanvraag/service verzoekPlacer Applications.added v2.2
XR Changed as requestedAuftrag anweisungsgemäß geändertGewijzigd zoals gevraagdFiller Applications.from v2.1
XX Order/service changed, unsol.Auftrag geändert (ohne Anweisung)Order/service gewijzigd, ongevraagdFiller Applications.from v2.1